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Interview – at the intersection of research and consulting

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Since the beginning of 2022, Nico Mumm and Julian Quandt have been doing their doctorates in the BioVal research project at Bochum University of Applied Sciences in parallel to their work at corsus. The aim of the project is to identify and reduce the negative effects of food production and consumption on biodiversity and ultimately to transform them into positive effects - a topic that corsus has also been working on for a long time. This combination of research and consulting complements each other perfectly, because a cornerstone of corsus' consulting is to incorporate the latest scientific findings and to always be up-to-date. On the other side of the interface, research can be aligned with applicability in mind, based on practical experience.
Übersicht Politikfelder, Kielziele und SDGsStadt Kiel

Publication on the impact-oriented budget in Kiel

On behalf of the Service Agency Communities in One World (SKEW), corsus advises and supports the city of Kiel in the development and implementation of an impact-oriented budget. An article on the model project has now been published by Julius Wenzig, Senior Consultant at corsus, and Sebastian Ohlmeyer, Project Manager "Globally Sustainable Municipality" at SKEW. The article is part of a dossier published by SKEW in cooperation with the editorial team of "welt-sichten".
Containerschiffe am Terminaldominik luckmann via unsplash

corsus explores biodiversity impacts of value chains to help SME reduce them

Together with WWF Germany and Systain Consulting, corsus is working on the project “Lieferkette und Biodiversität” ("Supply Chain and Biodiversity") for the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). Within the project, a tool is being developed to support particularly SME in tracking and minimising biodiversity risks along their supply chain.
Carola Strycharz

Carola Strycharz introduces herself

Carola Strycharz introduces herself: Four questions for Carola Strycharz, who has been working as project administrator at corsus since May 2022.
veganer RezeptvorschlagWWF Deutschland

Weekly menus for sustainable nutrition: eat better planetary culinary

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WWF Germany has had three weekly menus developed from the results of the study conducted by corsus on the environmental impact of nutrition. For the study "So schmeckt Zukunft. The Culinary Compass for a Healthy Earth", corsus translated the recommendations of the Eat Lancet Commission into three scenarios for Germany: a flexitarian, a vegetarian and a vegan diet.
Logot 36. Deutscher NaturschutztagBundesverband Beruflicher Naturschutz e.V. (BBN)

36. Deutscher Naturschutztag in Hannover – Conference on Nature Conservation in Hannover, Germany

Under the headline "Nature Conservation Now! Nature. Land use. Climate." The “36. Deutscher Naturschutztag” (36th nature conservation day) took place in Hanover.
17 SDGs mit Gemeinwohl kombiniertBertelsmann-Stiftung

Sustainability and the Common Good in Municipalities – Study on Principles, Instruments and Practices Published

Municipalities in Germany are increasingly basing their strategic development on the guiding principles of sustainability or the common good. Both concepts complement each other and can be developed and implemented in an integrated way. This is the central finding of a study by the Bertelsmann Stiftung, the European Secretariat of ICLEI and the International Association for the Promotion of the Common Good Economy.
cover The International Journal of Life Cycle AssessmentSpringer

Assessing the contribution of products to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals

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Dr. Ulrike Eberle, Julius Wenzig and Nico Mumm present a method in the LCA Journal that enables companies to analyze their impact and that of their products on the SDGs in their own company and in the supply chain.
photo of three persons pointing the silver laptopJohn Schnobrich @ unsplash

Sustainable Flensburg 2030: Online – Participation for the urban development strategy started.

Sustainable Flensburg 2030: Online - Participation for the urban development strategy started on june 17th.
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