corsus at 17th German Sustainability Award
The expertise of corsus is not only in demand in science, companies and local authorities, but also for the German Sustainability Award. The two managing directors of corsus were part of the juries this year: Ulrike Eberle (PhD) was a juror for the company award in two sectors and was also a member of three expert juries for the product award in the climate, nature and resources categories. Anke Butscher (PhD) was appointed to the expert juries for the Product Award in the Society and Value Chain categories. The award ceremony was attended by Ulrike Eberle, Verena Timmer (PhD) and Felix Lücking.
This year’s event not only attracted attention for honouring the sustainable commitment of the award winners, but also attracted criticism, which we also noticed. And yes, there is certainly potential to improve the German Sustainability Award. However, the discussions in the jury were open and independent. The jury members were not influenced by the organisers. Rather, the aim was to select the best from a large number of applications that are boldly leading the way in the various subject areas of the product award and can set an example for others. And it’s about recognising the work done by the award winners and celebrating their achievements! The criticism in no way diminishes the award winners’ commitment to sustainability.
corsus congratulates all companies, organisations and honorary award winners on their nominations and the awards they have won. We are delighted that you are committed to the urgently needed transformation towards greater sustainability!
Our corporate team:
Dr. Ulrike Eberle brings many years of experience in research and management consulting to the jury’s work. She advises many companies on the development and implementation of sustainability strategies. As an expert in sustainable product development and sustainability assessment, she has carried out numerous life cycle assessments and carbon footprints and helped to develop methods for assessing impacts on biodiversity. She is a member of the Scientific Committee of the international LCA Food Conferences and heads the research project BioVal – Biodiversity Valuing & Valuation at the ZNU – Centre for Sustainable Corporate Management at the University of Witten / Herdecke. The research project develops and tests practical tools for integrating biodiversity into the management of the food product life cycle.
Dr. Anke Butscher is a long-standing expert in the implementation of sustainability at an organisational level. She develops sustainability strategies with companies and municipalities, develops recommendations for action for socially responsible supply chains, advises on the implementation of human rights due diligence and supports municipal sustainability projects. Anke Butscher is a certified Economy for the Common Good consultant and played a leading role in the development of the ECG standard for local authorities.
Dr. Verena Timmer has been advising for many years on the formulation of sustainability strategies, the implementation of sustainability management systems, making sustainability measurable at company and product level and conducting stakeholder analyses. In her doctorate, she focussed on topics of routine research and algorithms. Since 2018, she has been teaching the module ‘Sustainability as a Change Process’ at Münster University of Applied Sciences, where she combines her own research interests and also inspires her students about the interplay between sustainability, change management and corporate culture.
Felix Lücking studied business administration and combines sustainability with an understanding of economics. At corsus, he calculates carbon footprints and applies his mathematical understanding in the context of sustainability issues. For example, he presented his research results on the reduction of the complexity of food assessments at the LCA Food 2024 in Barcelona.
Helene Eulenstein, Verena Timmer, Ulrike Eberle and Felix Lücking at the presentation of the 17th German Sustainability Award
corsus – corporate sustainability GmbH is a sustainability consultancy that supports companies, municipalities and organisations in implementing socio-ecological change. We provide impetus for sustainable innovations and advise on strategic processes. We prepare climate and life cycle assessments, pay particular attention to biodiversity and provide support with sustainability reports. We advise on human rights due diligence and supply chains and develop concepts for sustainable food systems. We also moderate processes, dialogues and events. Our work is based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the values of the Economy for the Common Good.