corsus moderates annual meeting of Hamburg’s large-scale urban nature conservation projects

The two major nature conservation projects ‘Naturally Hamburg!’ and ‘Hamburg, your river nature’ aim to significantly connect and enhance Hamburg’s urban nature and waterways and protect biodiversity. corsus has supported both projects from the outset and moderated the annual meetings of the project working groups (PAG) in the Kirchhof Hall of the Patriotische Gesellschaft Hamburg on 4 September 2024.

While ‘Naturally Hamburg!’ has been dedicated to the design and ecological enhancement of Hamburg’s public green spaces since 2019, ‘Hamburg, your river nature’ focuses on selected watercourses in the city, whose climate resilience and connectivity are to be realised in the biotope network with links to the green axes.

The third PAG of Hamburg, deine Flussnatur met in the morning. This was the last meeting before the overall maintenance and development plan was finalised. The commissioning and funding institutions were represented by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN) and the Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture (BUKEA). The project team presented a summary of the project’s successes and activities over the past year. The diversity of the water axes in the project area and the range of public relations work and participation formats were emphasised and key areas for action were identified. The next stage focussed on the content of the overall maintenance and development plan. The participants discussed accompanying measures and collected open discussion points that are to be addressed before the project is finalised.The two large-scale nature conservation projects ‘Naturally Hamburg!’ and ‘Hamburg, your river nature’ aim to significantly connect and enhance Hamburg’s urban nature and water bodies and protect biodiversity. corsus has supported both projects from the outset and moderated the annual meetings of the project working groups (PAG) in the Kirchhof Hall of the Patriotische Gesellschaft Hamburg on 4 September 2024.

In the afternoon, the second PAG of the implementation phase of Natürlich Hamburg! followed. After a brief round of introductions, this session initially focussed on highlights to date before in-depth presentations on experiences from ecological maintenance, in particular on mowing and its further handling, were presented and discussed. The lively and descriptive presentation by Luisa Schubert from the Stadtparkverein on ecology in the Stadtpark enriched the event

The sponsors found motivating and favourable words for both projects. The events emphasise the special and pioneering role of Hamburg’s large-scale urban nature conservation projects and highlight their networking character. The planned aspects and their realisation contribute to the overall vision for Hamburg’s blue-green axes.

corsus was commissioned by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate, Energy and Agriculture (BUKEA) to moderate the large-scale nature conservation project ‘Hamburg, deine Flussnatur’. corsus is carrying out this task in close cooperation with the Elbe Habitat Foundation, which is leading the project. The planning phase of the project will be completed at the end of 2024, followed by a ten-year implementation phase (subject to the approval of funding from the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation).

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