Flensburg City Council adopts ambitious strategic goals of the city development strategy “Flensburg 2030”
On February 23, the Flensburg City Council adopted the strategic goals of the city development strategy “Flensburg 2030” by a majority vote and thus took a big step towards positioning itself for the future in terms of sustainability. Since autumn 2021, corsus has been accompanying the development process of the sustainability strategy, which will run until the end of 2023.
The urban development strategy comprises seven fields of action, which Flensburg will orientate itself on. The strategy is based on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the New Leipzig Charta. The guiding principles are the preservation of natural resources and life in dignity for all. With a city-wide mission statement as part of the strategy, Flensburg assumes responsibility for a socially-ecologically productive, community-oriented, diverse and climate-friendly city. Flensburg shapes the future in a socially just and cosmopolitan way, enables a dignified and satisfied life and commits to regional and global justice.
The strategic goals were developed by stakeholders of the city society and fed back to the administration and politics. In addition, two digital citizen participations and a sustainability workshop took place, in which citizens had the opportunity to contribute their own ideas and approaches.
A total of 30 strategic goals in seven fields of action describe Flensburg’s path to 2030 – from efficient use of space and minimization of land requirements to cross-border and needs-based networking of educational and cultural actors to a comprehensive, modern, needs-based and independent healthcare infrastructure. Furthermore, district centers with diverse functions and basic services close to home as well as socially just, inclusive and safe mobility in and around Flensburg are planned. Last but not least, housing that meets the needs of all generations and a future-oriented approach to Flensburg’s cultural heritage are important fields of action.
In the further course of the process, employees of the city administration will deal with the operational goals and concrete measures to achieve the strategic goals by 2030. Opportunities for feedback exist through the participation of the steering group, made up of representatives of the city’s society and politics, and further citizen participation.
The project is funded by the Service Agency Communities in One World SKEW within the framework of the “Globally Sustainable Community Schleswig-Holstein”.