In the project “The Greening of E-Commerce: New Challenges for the Environmental Policy Promotion of Sustainable Consumption”, the drivers and environmental impacts of e-commerce are analysed in order to identify possible influence and control options for environmental policy. Based on an in-depth analysis of the four elements of online retailing – logistics, shipping packaging, consumers and waste recycling – scenarios for possible future forms of e-commerce and a roadmap for greening will be developed.
corsus is working on the project together with Ökopol GmbH (project management), GVM Gesellschaft für Verpackungsmarktforschung mbH, ISI Consult – Institut für Sozialinnovation UG, Prof. Dr. Jan Ninnemann, Prof. Dr. Ralf Isenmann & Prof. Dr. Thomas Schomerus. Funded by the Federal Environmental Agency, FKZ: 3719 11 302 0