Update of the Reinbek poverty report – boost for social projects in the city
corsus supported the city of Reinbek in updating the poverty report in the context of Agenda 2030 and monitoring the achievement of the goals. In cooperation with the city, corsus recorded the implementation status of the goals for reducing relative poverty in Reinbek and summarised and evaluated them in a second poverty report. Many of the goals are currently being realised and the social offerings are being well received.
On 26 April 2019, the social and school committee of the city of Reinbek decided to prepare a poverty report for the city of Reinbek with the participation of important municipal stakeholders. The city used the 2030 Agenda with its 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a basis. The city recognised that poverty cannot be understood from a purely sectoral approach. Poverty can take a variety of forms and is primarily characterised by social exclusion and a lack of participation.
Local politicians, the city administration and other key players in the city were involved in the data and information collection in a workshop format. A status quo of relative poverty was developed, which was the starting point for recommendations for action, targets and measures. Monitoring to measure target implementation was politically agreed.
From 2022 to 2023, the implementation status of the objectives of the first poverty report was surveyed by the city administration with the support of corsus. The city administration, local politicians and city stakeholders determined the current implementation status. Based on this data and background information, corsus compiled an update of the poverty report.
The update shows a very active civil society that is involved in a wide variety of projects to reduce poverty. Numerous existing projects were continued, such as the diverse support programmes for refugees. Among other things, there are offers for coping with experiences of flight and free language courses in cooperation with the Sachsenwald adult education centre and social service providers. A programme has been set up for women in crisis situations to help them find accommodation. The Sachsenwald building co-operative provides corresponding flats for women. The programme is to be expanded further. The Equal Opportunities Officer is campaigning for a higher proportion of women in local politics, for example with the project “Migrant women meet female politicians”.
At the end of May, corsus presented the update of the poverty report to the Education & Social Affairs Committee. At this meeting, it was also decided to transform the poverty report into a sustainability report and a sustainability strategy. The brochure updating the poverty report will be finalised over the course of the summer.
We would like to express our sincere thanks for the excellent cooperation with the Reinbek city administration, local politicians and municipal stakeholders.
Further background information on the Reinbek Poverty Report can be found here.