Lecture by Dr. Ulrike Eberle in the Paul-Löbe Haus on Climate-Friendly Food and Drink

On 6 July 2023, Dr Ulrike Eberle gave a presentation on the calculation method and data basis of food labels to members of the German Bundestag as part of the ‘Together for Carbon Labelling’ (TCL) initiative at the hybrid event ‘Climate-Friendly Food and Drink

Studentenwerk SH develops sustainability concept

The new sustainability concept, developed jointly by employees and student representatives, identifies six fields of action that will shape the work of the Studentenwerk in the coming years.

Founding of corsus research gUG- RESEARCH FOR A SOCIAL-ECONOMIC CHANGE

Dr. Anke Butscher & Dr. Ulrike Eberle founded the non-profit corsus research gUG for research for social ecological change.

Development of the methodological concept for the Lower Saxony Climate Label started.

On behalf of the University of Göttingen, corsus is developing a comprehensive methodological concept for labelling as part of the project “EEKlim – Development and testing of a climate label in Lower Saxony”.

Kick-off dialog series „Wirtschaft gestaltet Zukunft“ („Economy shapes the future“)

corsus Managing Director Dr. Anke Butscher and Senior Consultant Julius Wenzig moderated the kick-off event of the “Economy Shapes the Future” dialog series at Hamburg City Hall on April 21, 2023.

ecological assessment of food

corsus Managing Director Dr. Ulrike Eberle gave a keynote presentation on the ecological assessment of food at the BMUV online event on 10.05.2023.

11th German Diversity Day

On May 23, 2023, the 11th German Diversity Day will take place at the initiative of the Diversity Charter. corsus shows: Diversity connects.

corsus meetings with fishing associations in South Africa

As part of the CLIF project, corsus held talks in February with business associations in the sardine and deep-sea hake fishing industries in South Africa.

corsus team visits producers of chicken and sugar in Thailand

CLIF product case studies Thailand: corsus team visits producers of chicken and sugar in Thailand.

corsus exploring the Cape Winelands for CLIF case studies in South Africa

CLIF Case studies South Africa: corsus travels to producers of wine and fish in South Africa for product case studies.

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