CLIF-Workshop with South African companies on the most relevant environmental impacts of food

On 7.2.23, Dr. Anke Butscher and Dr. Christina Mumm facilitated the CLIF workshop with fisheries and viticulture companies on environmental impacts of food in South Africa.

New research project to reduce the amount of packaging in food value chains

corsus launches research project InNoPack in cooperation with ÖKOPOL GmbH and plietsch GbR. Behind the acronym is the title of the project, which already provides information about the objective: “Innovative and waste-avoiding system solutions for packaging-free grocery shopping”.

True Cost Accounting (TCA) Networking Event at Biofach 2023.

corsus is participating in the True Cost Accounting (TCA) Networking Event at Biofach 2023 as part of the CLIF project.

Impulse lecture by Ulrike Eberle in the ZNU working group „Sustainable Products“ on concrete recommendations for an eco-label for food products

As part of the digital working group “Sustainable Products” of the Center for Sustainable Corporate Management at Witten/Herdecke University, Ulrike Eberle presented the expert opinion “Climate Label versus Eco-Score” on January 25.

Book of Proceedings of the International Food Life Cycle Assessment Conference 2022 published

The conference proceedings of the International Food Life Cycle Assessment Conference 2022 have been published. corsus is represented with two contributions on environmental impacts of food.

WWF Living Planet Conference 2022

As part of the CLIF project, Dr. Christina Mumm digitally participated in the WWF Living Planet Conference 2022 in Johannesburg.

Report on environmental labelling for food published

How should a successful environmental labelling for food be designed?
corsus has prepared an assessment report together with Zühlsdorf + Partner and the KATALYSE Institute.

corsus at COP27: Life cycle assessment is the basis for many assessment approaches

Ulrike Eberle gave a short presentation on the interrelationships between True Cost Accounting (TCA) and Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) to reduce environmental impacts.
“A socio-ecological transformation of food systems is urgently needed. Life Cycle Assessment and True Cost Accounting show where priority action is needed: less animal-based food, more legumes and nuts, more social justice, less food waste and more sustainable agricultural production are the levers. Make sustainable choices easy choices!”

Article published by Julius Wenzig and colleagues on the engagement of controllers with sustainability

Sustainability controlling is a key area for advancing a sustainable transformation in companies in a systematic and fact-based manner. Empirical studies show, however, that controllers hardly deal with sustainability at all. In search of the reasons, Julius Wenzig, Anne-Katrin Nuzum and Prof. Dr. Stefan Schaltegger wrote an article that was recently published in the renowned journal Business Strategy & the Environment. The article is freely available in Germany via Wiley Verlag.

Joint action for sustainable development

Gemeinschaftswerk Nachhaltigkeit: corsus participates in new platform of the German Council for Sustainable Development.

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