Website for the ‚Climate Impacts of Food‘ project launched

Website for the ‘Climate Impacts of Food’ project (CLIF) launched by WWF Germany. Corsus is represented as project partner.

corsus presents the CLIF project in the One Planet Network

From May 10-13, the third working group meeting of Working Group 4 of the Consumer Information for sustainable consumption and production (CI-SCP) program of the One Planet Network took place. The group, which focuses on biodiversity communication, met on the beautiful island of Vilm at the International Academy for Nature Conservation (INA) of the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN). Nico Mumm from corsus presented as external expert the CLIF project, which is funded by the BMUV in the framework of the International Climate Initiative (IKI).

Biodiversity impacts of nutrition in Germany

For the first time, the impact of nutrition in Germany on biodiversity has been determined. The study “So schmeckt Zukunft: Der kulinarische Kompass für eine gesunde Erde. Nutrition and Biodiversity” was published today by WWF Germany. The study is based on a life cycle assessment prepared by corsus – corporate sustainability GmbH for WWF.

Call for Papers on Sustainable Food Systems

Papers for a Special Issue of the International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment on ‘The Role of Developing and Emerging Economies in Sustainable Food Systems’ can be submitted until 1 July 2022.

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