corsus accompanies sustainability strategy for the district of Plön

corsus supports the sustainability strategy for the district of Plön. Realising complex sustainability goals precisely: the district of Plön develops strategy and catalogue of measures

corsus completes argumentation training

On 14 June, the corsus team was able to take time out for argumentation training under the direction of Martin Heyer, Phasen.Weise GmbH. In view of the shift to the right in politics and society, the one-day workshop ‘Standing upright in the headwind’ took place in order to be prepared for encounters with inhuman or climate change denying positions.

Update of the Reinbek poverty report – boost for social projects in the city

corsus supported the city of Reinbek in updating the poverty report in the context of Agenda 2030 and monitoring the achievement of the goals. In cooperation with the city, corsus recorded the implementation status of the goals for reducing relative poverty in Reinbek and summarised and evaluated them in a second poverty report. Many of the goals are currently being implemented and the social services are being well received.

Anke Butscher moderates the 7th stop on the „Schleswig-Holstein Energy Tour“ about ground ice storage for the energy transition

The 7th stop of the “Energy Tour Schleswig-Holstein” on the topic of “How ground ice storage & cold local heating can heat a new development area using renewable energy” was moderated by Dr Anke Butscher on 22 March in Schleswig

Flensburg adopts urban development strategy Flensburg 2030+

After a good two years, the “Flensburg 2030+” urban development strategy was unanimously adopted. corsus provided intensive support during the development process.

Working together for intact nature in and around Hamburg’s waterways: successful integration of interest groups for the large-scale nature conservation project „Hamburg, deine Flussnatur“

corsus has successfully moderated the involvement of interest groups in the large-scale nature conservation project “Hamburg, deine Flussnatur” (Hamburg, your river nature). The last regional workshop took place in Altona before Easter.

Sustainability strategy agreed for Sankt Peter-Ording

After two years, the municipality of Sankt Peter Ording has adopted its sustainability strategy with the support of corsus and discussed it with interested citizens.

corsus trains Saxon municipalities in sustainable IT procurement

In March, corsus organised an online training course on IT and IT products in cooperation with the Saxony Competence Centre for Sustainable Procurement.

Diakonieverbund Schweicheln prepares ECG Group report

corsus led a two-day workshop to prepare for the audit of the ECG group report of Diakonieverbund Schweichenl e. V.

Exchange hut opened in Kellinghusen

On 12 January 2024, the Kellinghusen office opened the new and centrally located exchange house to prevent waste and promote reuse.

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