Sustainable procurement

Public procurement

Every year, the public sector in Germany procures products and services with a procurement volume of a good 400 billion euros, or around 13% of the gross domestic product. About half of this expenditure is accounted for by the federal and state governments, the other half by the municipalities.

If you as a municipality want to meet the challenges facing society as a whole and fulfill your obligation to the common good in your own sphere of activity, aligning your awarding and procurement with socio-ecological criteria can contribute to an energy- and resource-efficient, climate-friendly, humane and innovative future on several levels. In doing so, you are setting a good example and sending out a signal.

There are starting points for integrating social-ecological criteria at every step in the procurement process. Based on the core principles of sustainable procurement, corsus accompanies and advises you to systematically consider them in the procurement process while respecting the legal foundations of public procurement law.

  • We record existing commitment and potentials of sustainable procurement along central fields of action.
  • We advise and inform on social-ecological criteria and quality labels for municipal product groups and services.
  • We work out concrete objectives for sustainable procurement and develop corresponding guidelines and indicators.
  • We support you in the development of target paths and in their implementation.
  • We support you in the political anchoring and communication of your goals and strategies.
  • We support you in the development of target paths and their implementation.

Your contact person:

Krishan Gairola (PhD)


sustainable procurement consultant

Sustainable purchasing

Purchasing – like product development – is a central task in companies with a key role in the sustainability of products and services.

Are sustainability criteria guiding your purchasing activities? Which criteria are essential? How, for example, do you implement the requirements from the Supply Chain Sourcing Obligations Act (LkSG)? How can you implement such criteria? How can you measure the sustainability performance of your suppliers?

corsus supports you with your specific questions and develops solutions together with you and your team that fit your company:

  • We conduct a materiality analysis with you to identify the relevant sustainability challenges in your supply chains.
  • We work with you to develop sustainability targets for purchasing.
  • We work with you to develop solutions and identify suitable measures.
  • We accompany you during implementation.
  • We develop methodological concepts for climate, environmental and sustainability labels.

Your contact person:

Ulrike Eberle (PhD)


sustainable purchasing consultant
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